Episode 19
The Ins and Outs of a Ketogenic Diet
November 9th, 2018
45 mins 11 secs
Season 5
About this Episode
There’s a mountain of information out there on low carbohydrate ketogenic or keto diets but what does ketogenic even mean, and what does it entail? There can be a lot of confusion on how to follow the diet, or knowing correct ratios on fat and protein and how low is ‘low carb’ really?
Laurence invites Naturopath and Researcher, Sally Olzack, for a deep dive into all things ketogenic. Throughout this discussion, Sally provides clear direction on what the ketogenic diet is, how to know if your body is responding to the diet, how long it can take to start burning fat and much more. This episode provides clear and practical tips to help anyone going through their ketogenic journey.
This information is designed to educate and inform – it’s important that you work alongside a Healthcare Practitioner who can help support your weight loss journey and reach your health goals.