Laurence Katsaras
Host of Your Health Guide
Laurence Katsaras has hosted 28 Episodes.
COVID-19: Distinguishing Fact From Fiction
April 3rd, 2020 | 42 mins 11 secs
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the world has experienced fear and confusion due to copious amounts of information surrounding transmission, symptoms, etc. making it frustrating to distinguish fact from fiction. In this episode, Laurence Katsaras provides clarity with easy to understand evidence, supported by clinical research to inform you on the latest developments of COVID-19. Laurence will also talk you through natural ingredients, lifestyle interventions and diet tips to support the immune system.
Being a Dad Starts Before Birth. The Surprising Role Of Preconception Health For Fathers To Be.
December 12th, 2019 | Season 8 | 51 mins 5 secs
In this episode, Laurence is joined by Naturopath, Researcher and host of the Metagenics Clinical Podcast, Nathan Rose to discuss how lifestyle factors, diet, stress and body composition can create genetic programming that’s carried through from the father to their child, impacting the health of the child for its entire life. Learn about how some simple lifestyle interventions, planning and nutritional support on the father’s part, can make a big impact on their child’s life and even future generations.
How Mothers Can Optimise Their Child’s Health Throughout Preconception and Pregnancy
November 26th, 2019 | Season 8 | 1 hr 9 mins
baby, childs health, conception, family, female, hormones, mothers, mothers health, newborn, preconception, pregnancy
Laurence is joined by Naturopath and researcher, Joanne McNeill to discuss how a mother's health throughout pre-conception and pregnancy can greatly affect not only the child's health, but the family’s generational health and wellbeing.
Joanne and Laurence offer simple lifestyle interventions and what key nutrients mothers, and mothers to be can implement into their daily routine.
The Fundamental Truth About Fish Oil
August 6th, 2019 | Season 8 | 26 mins 16 secs
cardiovascular disease, diabetics, fish oil, inflammation, mood disorders, omega-3, pregnancy, reducing pain, research
In this episode, Laurence Katsaras puts a stop to misunderstood evidence currently circulating around fish oil. Laurence will provide answers to questions such as, why is fish oil significant? Does eating fish have the same benefits as taking fish oil supplements? What is the value of purchasing a more expensive fish oil? Is fish oil beneficial for pregnancy? And much more.
This episode will dive deep into the truth about fish oil by answering commonly asked questions and highlighting its significance for good health.
Is What You Heard About Turmeric True?
June 26th, 2019 | Season 8 | 33 mins 45 secs
alzheimer's, anti-inflammatory, clinical, dementia, gut, gut health, health, mental health, natural, practitioner, supplements, turmeric, wellness
In this episode, Laurence is joined by Naturopath, Nick Breen, to separate the evidence from the hype on the benefits and uses of turmeric – the wonderful spice that continues to gain popularity in treating all sorts of health conditions. However, what should turmeric actually be used for? How does it work within the body? What is it that you should be looking for when choosing turmeric supplements available in the market place?
Laurence and Nick will provide clarity on all these questions and more.
Holistic Approach to Managing Your Mental Health - Part 2
March 15th, 2019 | Season 7 | 28 mins 59 secs
anxiety, b vitamins, chronic, curcumin, depression, fish oil, inflammation, magnesium, medications, mood, physical disease, probiotics, saffron, supplements
Dr Adrian Lopresti is a well-respected Clinical Psychologist and Researcher, who achieves success with his patients by taking a holistic approach to get to the bottom of why they may be experiencing mood changes. Dr Lopresti is the founder of Personalised Integrative (PI) Therapy, which is a program for mental Healthcare Practitioners, such as Psychologists and Psychiatrists, and trains them on this integrated approach, helping them achieve greater clinical success in mood and psychiatric conditions.
Holistic Approach to Managing Your Mental Health - Part 1
February 18th, 2019 | Season 7 | 36 mins 59 secs
diet, genes, health, herbal, imbalance, lifestyle, lifestyle medicine, mood, nutritional, psychiatric conditions, psychologists
Dr Adrian Lopresti well respected Clinical Psychologist and researcher that achieves success with patients by taking a holistic approach to get to the bottom of why you’re experiencing mood changes. Dr Lopresti is the founder of Personalised Integrative (PI) Therapy, which is a program for mental Healthcare Practitioners, such as Psychologists and Psychiatrists, and trains them on this integrated approach, helping them achieve greater clinical success in mood and psychiatric conditions.
Magnesium the Miracle Mineral
January 21st, 2019 | Season 6 | 28 mins 32 secs
blood pressure, blood sugar, energy, insulin levels, magnesium, medication, minerals, muscle cramps, muscles, pregnancy, prescription, supplementation, vitamins
The Low Down on a Low Fat Diet
November 30th, 2018 | Season 5 | 41 mins 59 secs
bad fats, calories, diet, educate, fat, health, health goals, healthcare, journey, keto, keto diet, loss, low fat, practitioner, shake it, weight loss, weight loss journey
Laurence is joined again by Naturopath and Researcher, Sally Olzack, to discuss the science and research behind the low fat diet, and how recent studies have shown that you can successfully lose weight following a low fat diet.
The Ins and Outs of a Ketogenic Diet
November 9th, 2018 | Season 5 | 45 mins 11 secs
calories exercise, diabetic, dieting, fat loss, food cravings, health, healthy life, high carb, intermitting diet, keto diet, ketogenic, ketones, ketosis, ketostix, lose weight, low carb, low fat diet, motivation, muscle mass, nutrients, nutrition, shake it, weight loss, weight set point
There’s a mountain of information out there on low carbohydrate ketogenic or keto diets but what does ketogenic even mean, and what does it entail? There can be a lot of confusion on how to follow the diet, or knowing correct ratios on fat and protein and how low is ‘low carb’ really?
Behavioural Changes to Help You Lose Weight
October 26th, 2018 | Season 5 | 26 mins 49 secs
Weight loss is not just a battle for the body, it needs support from your mind. Laurence Katsaras sits down with Naturopath, Naomi Danaher, to have a conversation about behavioural changes that will enhance your efforts and help you achieve your weight loss goals.
Diet and Lose Weight Successfully and Keep It Off
October 23rd, 2018 | Season 5 | 1 hr 25 mins
calories exercise, dieting, food cravings, health, healthy life, high carb, intermitting diet, keto diet, ketogenic, ketosis, lose weight, low carb, low fat diet, motivation, muscle mass, nutrients, nutrition, shake it, weight loss, weight set point
Laurence is joined by, Naturopath, Researcher and host of the Metagenics Clinical Podcast, Nathan Rose to discuss all things weight loss.
What most people don’t understand when trying to lose weight, is that our bodies have a weight set point that they feel comfortable at. Through poor diet, this weight set point is shifting upwards causing us to become overweight. When we lose weight, if we do it incorrectly, our bodies can resist this by defending the weight set point and will want to put the weight back on. Laurence and Nathan discuss what this weight set point means, why we have a weight set point and why it’s linked to most diets failing. The goal for long term weight loss is to focus on dropping your weight set point through ‘four diet heroes’. As Laurence and Nathan discuss, these diet heroes allow your body to adjust and set a new weight set point. -
Decreasing Testosterone and What to Do About It
October 12th, 2018 | Season 4 | 37 mins 39 secs
exercise, fertility, health, insulin resistance, libido, male hormones, men's health, mood, motivation, nutrients, nutrition, sleep, stress, supplements, testosterone, toxins
Following on from episode 15, Laurence Katsaras a…
Male Hormones And Understanding How Testosterone Affects Men
October 2nd, 2018 | Season 4 | 17 mins 4 secs
andropause, diet, exercise, fertility, healthy ageing, infertility, men's health, oestrogen, sex hormones, stress, testosterone
Laurence is joined by Naturopath, Nick Breen, to …
Diet and Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Hormones
September 13th, 2018 | Season 3 | 23 mins 21 secs
detox, detoxification, diet, digestive health, exercise, female hormones, fibre, healthy eating, hormonal health, hormone, imbalance, oestrogen, plant base, pms, protein, stress
In this episode, Laurence is joined by naturopath…
Your Health and How It’s Impacting Your Hormones
September 4th, 2018 | Season 3 | 20 mins 33 secs
allergy, contraceptive, diet, digestive health, endometriosis, estrogen, female hormones, lifestyle, migraines, mood, pcos, pms, progesterone, sex, sex hormones, stress, wellbeing
In this episode, Laurence and Asha Bleechmore con…